Run Awesome 1 on 1s

Questions and resources to make your 1 on 1s more effective.

Here's a question to ask in your next 1 on 1:

Reload for a new question


Awesome 1 on 1s Cover The Following






More Questions to Ask

You will never be a leader others love to follow if you aren't a leader who loves people.
- Craig Groeschel


Questions to promote personal connection and build trust.


Questions to influence growth and personal development through trusted feedback.


Questions to ensure people are happy with their role, their work, the team, and company.


Questions to create feedback for leaders.


Questions to provide better work / life balance.

Tyler Jones

Why Awesome 1 on 1s?

When I first became a manager, I had no clue what I was doing. Sure I knew how to do the job my team was doing, but how was I supposed to lead them? I was suddenly thrown into the fire of performance reviews, mentoring, OKRs (whatever that meant!) and 1 on 1 meetings. It was overwhelming.

Power of 1 on 1s

Once I settled down a bit, I realized that out of everything I was now responsible for, the 1 on 1 meetings were going to be one of the most powerful tools I had to mentor, grow, coach, and build up my team. It sounded great, but I still had no idea what to talk about or what questions to ask to get people talking. It all felt so awkward!

Questions to Ask

That's when I realized that what I really needed were questions I could ask to help facilitate the conversation. Once a conversation started, information flowed. Getting that conversation moving was the challenge.

The questions on this site will help move those discussions forward. Don't feel pressure to use all the questions, in fact I'd recommend only using a couple each time you meet. They're meant to help facilitate discussion rather than be an exhaustive list of topics to cover every time.

5 Categories

The questions are split up into 5 categories, each covering a key area you'll want to cover in your 1 on 1s. You don't need to cover all 5 areas every time you meet. Instead, use these as a kind of overall guide to help facilitate discussions in those areas with your people.

I hope this resource helps you, fellow leader. If you have any feedback or additional ideas, be sure to hit me up at or on Twitter @tjwebdev.

P.S. Please help other leaders by sharing this site with them because when leaders grow, so does everyone around them.

If you don't understand people, you don't understand business.
- Simon Sinek

Built with for leaders everywhere by Tyler Jones.
Have something to add? I'd love to hear it! Message me on Twitter @tjwebdev or send an email